REEDS is dedicated to improve the overall quality of life for rural communities in Tamilnadu, India.


REEDS is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that focuses on marginalized groups in rural South-India. It deploys a variety of community-based projects that are dedicated to improve the overall quality of life for rural communities in Tamilnadu, India.

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News Onboard

REEDS is on proposal for an orphanage dedicated particularly to Differently - Abled girl children in Tamil Nadu. Click here to view the proposal

REEDS is a registered member of GUIDE STAR INDIA . Reg no 6124

Agricultural Training Program for farmers in association with TNAU and TNOU

REEDS ANNUAL REPORT Click here to view

In the Spotlight

In this months’ spotlight we have interviewed Ruben Rijken who will be the main point of contact in The Netherlands for the Friends of REEDS foundation. Ruben is a Dutch national who has visited REEDS in Dharapuram several times.

During his stay with REEDS the Children’s home, the support activities, the community-based programs and the dedication of the staff and the Jayaseelan family made a big impression on him. Having lived and worked in Chennai – India for half a year he experienced two totally different Indian worlds: one of the rising Indian middle class in a metropolitan like Chennai and one of the poverty and humiliating living conditions of people in slums and rural areas. >> Click here to read more

Friends of REEDS

Friends of REEDS (2009) is a Dutch foundation aiming to provide sustainable funding for the REEDS Annai Childrens Home program at Panjapatty, India.


>> read more

Recent Activities

# School Health Education Program in association with SHARP NGO, New Delhi

#Child Rights Program in Schools in association with DCPU & CWC of State Government,Tamil Nadu

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Stichting Solid Base
ABN Amro:
Den Haag

Jayaseelan : (Ph)8526588134