You are hereRural Education and Environment Development Service (REEDS)

Rural Education and Environment Development Service (REEDS)


In 1994 a group of University Degree holders, social activists, women leaders, Dalit activists and socially committed priests promoted "REEDS", Rural Education and Environment Development Service, for comprehensive social action among the outcast people, poor, marginalized, and most vulnerable section of the society in the regions of Tiruppur, Dindugal and Coimbatore Districts, Tamil Nadu - India.

Mr.I.Jayaseelan is the founding Director of the REEDS foundation. During his college days he was a very active member of the Christian University student’s movement (AICUF) affiliated to PAXROMANA (IMCS). After his University graduation B.A, .from 1986 to 1990 he worked as a full-time programme secretary of AICUF. Through this movement he involved with social welfare activities in the poor Dalit villages in Tamil Nadu and participated in various regional and national seminars on Dalit Rights. In the year 1990-91he completed his Bachelor in Education B.Ed doing his Master in Social Work (MSW). Mr. Jayaseelan and Mrs.Selvarani were sponsored by Manos Unidas Spain to attend Third World Rural Women’s Conference of Agriculture at Madrid (Spain) in the year 2002. He attended various Rotary International meetings in the Netherlands. He participated in Asian Social Forum at Hyderabad 2004 and World Social Forum at Mumbai in the year 2005 and various international seminars focusing on poverty reduction. Together with Solid Base Foundation- Netherlands he promoted Solid Base Dalit Collective a state level network of NGO’s run and headed by Dalit leaders.Currently he is member of Juvenile Justice Board(JJB)- Tiruppur District, Government of TN


REEDS actively supports and puts effort in creating a justifiable and sustainable society by creating a conducive environment with the involvement of all the people with social concern. REEDS strives to optimize the potential within the organization as well as its referral communities and its partner agencies.


REEDS' vision is inspired by human values. REEDS visualizes a society in which peace, justice and equality prevail in all communities irrespective of caste, creed, religion and language. REEDS also envisages a society where the poor, oppressed, underprivileged and the marginalized people have equal opportunities to develop themselves to their fullest potential in an appropriate environment.

REEDS believes that a justifiable and sustainable society starts by the United Nations Millennium Development Goal: Achieve universal primary education.
The target is to ensure that all boys and girls complete primary school.

Area of Operation

The operational areas of REEDS is Tiruppur , Dindigul , and Coimbatore district of Tamilnadu which combinely has the population of well over 80,96,872.Dindigul District is one of the most backward and least developed, Tiruppur District is mean for Fashion and apparel industries having huge migrant population and Coimbatore is one of the industrial district having huge population of labor communities.

REEDS Focused to serve Poor children, child labors, women self-help-group members(SHG's), Youth and Small and marginal farmers for their comprehensive development.

For information on how we help our target groups please take a look at Our Activities.

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Friends of REEDS

Friends of REEDS (2009) is a Dutch foundation aiming to provide sustainable funding for the REEDS Annai Childrens Home program at Panjapatty, India.


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Recent Activities

# School Health Education Program in association with SHARP NGO, New Delhi

#Child Rights Program in Schools in association with DCPU & CWC of State Government,Tamil Nadu

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Stichting Solid Base
ABN Amro:
Den Haag

Jayaseelan : (Ph)8526588134